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Beijing Risun
International Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd.


We can provide assistance in handling:
1. Work visa application (culture and education)
2. Work visa application (economiccategory)
3. Business visa
4. Student visa
5. Family visaFor specific visa requirements, please submit information for detailed consultation
Visa agency
To apply for a work visa, the following conditions must be met: 1. Bachelor degree and certification 2. Non-criminal and non-criminal certification (valid within 180 days) 3. Two years or more of relevant work experience (work experience must be relevant to the job you are applying for) 4. Physical examination certificate (apply at the physical examination institution designated by the Chinese Embassy) 5. TESOL/TEFL certification, economic work permit is not required, English teacher position requires certification to exempt two years of work experience (after certification, the exemption of two years of experience is for countries where English is the mother tongue) 6. For other detailed information consultation and submission, the actual processing shall prevail.
ContactWeChat:esljob       Contact email:hongwenguoji@waijiaocn.com    Contact number:18612596807